Thursday, March 10, 2016

Teaching: Day 2

1. How are class sets stored?
2.  What materials do you use for shelf prep and mending?
3. Who handles money, deposits, etc at your school?

1. Each book in a class set is barcoded and put in the online catlaog. They are not, however, put on the shelves. Each class set of books is stored in a large box with the title of the book written on the outside. This provides easy storage options and access.

2. Bone, Exacto Knife, fiber tape, Vista-foil, Book covers for paperbacks, Book Jacket Covers
I was given a quick lesson on shelf prep with paperback books and book jackets. I plan to purchase resources for our school and discuss the correct application methods with them again.

3. Central high school has a book keeper that oversees the libraries finances. The librarians turn in purchase orders for any items they need. The book keeper then checks the account and aides the librarians with their purchase.

The second lesson I taught looked great on paper, but didn't flow as smoothly as I would have liked. I taught the second lesson on Monday, February 22nd.  I had the same 9th grade literature classes as I did on Thursday the previous week. The lesson was set up in six centers. Each center had an informational sheet to complete along with an activity to do as a group. Each center focused on an aspect of civil rights and mainly focused on the civil rights movement.

The students had a hard time working together without conflict. They preferred to complete the informational sheet on their own and skip the activity entirely. In some cases the students ran out of time and were unable to complete the first step or the activity. Time management was a challenge for me in this lesson because I was not familiar enough with how long it requires a ninth grader completes given tasks. If I taught this lesson again, I would have the students begin each center with the activity provided in the folder. This would give students a background knowledge to build off of when completing the informational sheet. I don't think the lesson was horrible it just needed a little tweaking to help it transition more smoothly.

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